Monday, March 31, 2014

Product Review: Dyson DC58 Vaccum

I've really been wanting a good handheld vacuum for a long time so I decided to research what Dyson (the Apple of vacuum cleaners) had to offer. I planned to buy their DC34 model in person, but when I checked online, I found it $40 cheaper. I thought I'd be frugal and get it online. That's when I came across the younger, hotter version of it: the DC58, and ended up spending nearly $100 more instead. Don't worry though, it was still $6 cheaper on amazon than it would've been in stores (so I was able to have this state of the art vacuum AND some frozen yogurt!)

This vacuum lives up to its promise. The main reason I bought it was for it's effectiveness and mobility. It's advanced technology makes it the most powerful handheld in the world, picking up even micro dust that other vacuums might leave behind. It comes with two attachments; one for getting corners and another for surfaces with a retractable brush. It's lightweight, and comes with a 2 year warranty.

It doesn't replace the need for an upright vacuum for large surface areas but it's much easier for getting nooks and crannies, stairs, cabinets, and places where you wouldn't want to lug around a big vacuum and a hose attachment to get to. For example, I keep the inside of my car clean religiously and since it is cordless it's great for doing just that.

It doesn't hurt that it's very cool looking (Sometimes I find myself wanting to talk like Arnold Schwarzenegger when I hold it). It has great colors and is very shiny and luxurious looking, at least as far as vacuums go. And it's hygienic bin works great to get rid of the dirt easily (just pops open from the bottom).

The only thing that sucks about it (pun intended) is that it takes 3.5 hours to charge for 20 minutes of use or 6 minutes in the boost mode. However, that's just enough time to clean your car or tidy up the house; great for upkeep. So in my opinion, it's still a great investment.

Dyson makes the best vacuums in the world and boy do they work! And their technology is patented so that means no other vacuum can compare. Yes it is an expensive treat but sometimes you just got to treat yourself.