Wednesday, April 2, 2014

Mommie Dearest's Guide to Cleaning

If you've never seen the unintentionally hilarious 1980's cult classic "Mommie Dearest" it's currently streaming on Netflix. The acting is so over the top and about half the movie is made of dramatic pauses. Let's all enjoy this scene where Joan Crawford played by Faye Dunaway shows us how to clean the floor the right way.

This is common sense but it's worth noting that the best way to clean things is to lift them up and move them. Don't get lazy and only clean around it. With appliances, you should take the pieces apart (as long as you know how to put them back together) to really get all the dust and debris in nooks. This is true of fans which collect a lot of dust.

No, not those kind of fans. Seriously, watch it!

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