Saturday, April 5, 2014

Most Important Cleaning Rules

Rule #1: Get in a Good Mood
Good cleaning only happens when you're in a good mood. If you're in a good mood, you'll care more about what's around you. Surround yourself with positive people and stay close to what inspires you.

Rule #2: Keep up your Energy
You can't clean if you're exhausted. Drink water. Sleep. Eat. You know the drill. But also, don't get overwhelmed which can drain your mental energy. Getting overwhelmed means you're taking in too much into your mind. You don't have to accomplish everything in a day. Start with one task, make it your only focus until you're done and take breaks when you get tired.

Energy drinks and caffeinated 5-hour shots don't compare to green vegetables which clean out your insides and create natural energy that won't make you crash later. Eating leafy greens like kale, collards, swiss chard, spinach, mustard greens and dandilion will ensure that you'l have lots of pep to get through the chores. Of course, if you're not used to eating things like that, you can try powders sold at health food markets to get to that healthy state a little easier (they work well in smoovies).

Or if you still can't stomach eating something healthy you can use the Ron Swanson approach and hide it in a burger . . .

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