Wednesday, April 2, 2014

Product Review: Bissell Steam Shot

Bissell® Steam Shot sells for under $50

This dirty talk is about to get extra steamy. Did you know there's a thing called steam cleaners? I sure didn't and all I can say is "Wow! Wow! Wow!"

The steamer is great for lifting stains quicker than anything from a bottle. I tried using a certain floor cleaner by a well known brand that rhymes with "wiffer" on the bathroom tile but it didn't get that much up. After all, the tile had over 10 years of dirt, makeup, dust and probably a few layers of hairspray to really seal it in. However, I'm happy to report, the Steam Shot BAHHHH-LASTED through it allllll like butter, and as you can see below the difference is night and day. 

I also used the Steam Shot to clean the area between and under the knobs on the oven that had layers of oil. It lifted most of it off but there was still a thin layer of oil in certain spots. That was because the oil built up in the bristles of the brush so it was spreading it around. Some counter top spray on a towel and a slow but forceful movement took care of the last bit.

These areas were the toughest spots in the house to tackle so everything else has been even easier. It's great for getting ground in dust that collects in the wall panels, window seals, window tracks and blinds.

  1. Sanitizes.
  2. Comes with a lot of attachments and the thick brushes work really well lifting dirt and oil.
  3. Heats up quick.
  4. Affordable.
  5. No chemicals needed.

  1. The lid can be hard to open the first few times you try to unscrew it. Eventually you get used to it and it becomes easier to take off but I forgot which way to unscrew it to take it off a few times and had to read the instructions. I think the company could put an open and close direction. 
  2. The steam can run out quick when you're tackling really dirty areas that require extra scrubbing. You have to wait 5 minutes between cleaning sessions to allow the machine to cool unless you enjoy being steam shotted in the face when you fill the water.
  3. There's a hot plastic smell that smells like melting toys (I'll smell it in my nightmares).
  4. It looks . . . meh. (I wish Apple would tackle the steam cleaner market.)
  5. This is not to say it doesn't get hot, but I'd like it to heat up to a higher temperature for more efficient cleaning.

I was a little unsure what to expect as I read mixed reviews of the Steam Shot online. Some people said that it stopped working after a few months. Hopefully that isn't the case and this steamer lasts until I can get a better one. So far I have no real complaints though. Like I said, this is an affordable version of a steam cleaner at just $40 on Amazon but there are certainly more powerful steamers out there.

Ladybug® 2150 sells for $1,095.00

The difference is that professional grade steam cleaners are well . . . professional. As in they don't mess around, heating up to almost 300ºF (ouch!). Also they have a bigger capacity for water and are able to be refilled without waiting for the machine to cool. However . . .  they can cost up to $2,000 (But hey, free shipping!) The best reviewed machine I've seen (and most attractive) is the Ladybug brand of steam cleaners that are actually so hot that it's vapor! The most affordable (haha) version is the 2150 that sells for 1 grand. I'm going to start saving up.

I'll leave you with this review I found which I think sums up the Steam Shot best . . .

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