Friday, April 4, 2014

Sexy Facts About Dust!

Let's see some skin!
  • Dust is made of fibers from your clothes, carpet and various elements from the outside world but a lot of household dust is dead skin. That means somewhere in the world, someone is vacuuming pieces of Beyonce and Zac Efron.
  • Why is it grey? According to a website, Science Shorts, "[The reason it's grey] is because dry skin is a translucent grey matter. Humans come in all kinds of colors but the pigments are beneath the layer that we shed."

Sexy Tips to Reducing Dust Mites FROM MEDICINENET.COM
Dustmites are little bugs that live in your house that feed off of all those sexy dead skin cells. They are often the cause of asthma and allergenic symptoms. Vacuuming helps but here are more tips.
  • Dust mites like warm environments. Use a dehumidifier or air conditioner to maintain humidity at 50% or below.
  • Encase your mattress and pillows in dust proof or allergen impermeable covers.
  • Wash bedding and blankets once a week in hot water. 140ยบ Kills dust mites. You can also use a professional grade steam cleaner which can be used on bedding and furniture.
  • Switch from carpets to hard wood floors if possible.

Has all this hot talk about dust got you feeling short of breath?
Toxins from cleaning chemicals and external pollution can be found in dust and their tiny particles can be absorbed into your lungs. "How toxins get into your body depends on the size of the dust particle," says Andrea Ferro of Clarkson University, a dust expert. "If you don't vacuum, "dust can stick around for a long time." She's found things like DDT in samples even though it's use has been banned decades ago, "It's still around."  Read more on NPR. All the more reason to keep your space tidy.

Dust will always slowly return, unfortunately. It will never go away completely but it's sure fun trying. Psychological studies have shown that the act of filling in a shape has a pleasing effect on people. Okay, I just made that up, but I think it's true. You know how coloring can calm down a child? Dusting is kind of like that. It's the same act of changing a surface's appearance through a series of repetitive motions resulting in a sensation of completeness and satisfaction. In other words, cleaning just makes you feel good.

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